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Eyelash Extension Facts & Safety

Eyelash extensions have become increasingly popular for enhancing the appearance of natural lashes. However, it's crucial to be aware of certain facts and safety considerations associated with this beauty treatment. Eyelash Extension Facts: Application Process: Eyelash extensions are applied by trained technicians who use adhesive to attach individual synthetic or natural lashes to your natural lashes, giving the appearance of longer, fuller lashes. Variety of Styles: Extensions come in various lengths, curls, and thicknesses, allowing for customization to achieve different looks ranging from natural to dramatic. Maintenance and Refills: Regular maintenance is required to preserve the look of eyelash extensions. Refills are recommended every 2-3 weeks to replace lashes that have shed naturally. Avoid Oil-Based Products: Oil-based skincare products, makeup removers, and mascaras can weaken the adhesive bond, causing premature shedding of extensions. Temporary Enhancement

How to dispose of wrinkles at home

Youth and beauty are the result of a lifestyle and a certain job (not necessarily titanic). And this work does not depend on the size of your wallet, I assure you, you can achieve excellent results at home without buying expensive creams and lotions!

I have been doing home cosmetics for many years, the first steps in anti-aging care I started when I was 25 centuries old (I have very thin skin around my eyes and a kind of facial expression, so the first wrinkles, unfortunately, appeared very early), but for me “Closer to forty ”I have accumulated enough experience to understand: there are no magic solutions, but home remedies techqueer in the fight against aging are in no way inferior to industrial ones (or even more effective for various reasons, which I will write about later).

But let's start in order: before talking about how to get rid of wrinkles at digitalknowledgetoday home, you need to understand how our skin works.


To understand how to deal with wrinkles at home, you first need to understand where they come from. Several major causes of cosmetic skin aging are now scientifically recognized:

with age, the process of cell division slows down: the skin healthnutritionhints stops renewing at a rate, as it happens at the age of 20, and wrinkles are eliminated;

free radicals destroy collagen and elastin molecules (proteins responsible for skin elasticity);

with age, blood microcirculation worsens, cells  smartdiethealth cease to receive the necessary nutrition and begin to divide worse, the process of exfoliation of the upper layer of the skin slows down, the skin becomes more rough, a grayish tint appears;

with age, the lymph flow worsens, the skin of the face "swells" healthfitnesschampion (the nose expands, the chin sags, etc.). Broken skin under its own weight pulls down the fat pads, which leads to a change in the geometry of the face;

with age, changes occur in the muscles of the face: a constant mimic load leads to the fact that some muscles begin to contract (from constant excessive tension), while others, on the contrary, stretch. This process also involves changing the geometry of the face.

There is a stereotype that the rate of aging is determined by genetics; they say, there are those who genetically retain their youth longer (heredity is good) and those who age faster. Of course, hereditary health and properties of skin and hair play a role, BUT: Currently, the scientific community believes that only 2% of genes are not modifiable (so-called "fixed genes", for example, responsible for eye color).


On store shelves, most creams are categorized by age category: "30+", "40+" and so on. In terms of the contents of the bottle, this is usually just a marketing strategy to help sell the product (I'll talk about this a little later). However, from the point of view of cosmetology, there really is a difference between the needs of the skin at different ages.

25-30 YEARS

As sad as it sounds, biological aging begins at the age of 26-28 (more or less). It is curious that before this period the body is still growing, that is, the rate of cell renewal is high. At the age of 26-28, this speed begins to decrease and every time you begin to notice the tension of the skin, pay attention to the fact that the circles under the eyes do not disappear so quickly, and the first wrinkles give by themselves. felt.

These changes are still temporary in nature: if you stop communicating with others and, therefore, minimize the burden of mimicry, after 7-10 days the skin will completely soften. Previously, one night was enough for the skin, but now everything starts to slow down.

30-35 YEARS

During this period, the action of free radicals begins to manifest itself especially clearly. What is it? Free radicals are oxygen molecules that take lost an electron under the influence of various factors (ecology, sun, smoking, stress, unhealthy diet, etc.). Without an electron, an oxygen molecule is unstable and tends to compensate for the loss by taking an electron from other molecules.

The easiest way is to eradicate it from protein molecules (collagen and elastin), which it does, breaking them down along the way. These molecules are responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and the more active free radicals are, the faster the skin loses its firmness and wrinkles. Have you noticed that tanning abusers age faster? This is simply a consequence of the process described above.

In addition, after 30 years, the water-lipid balance on the surface of the skin is disturbed, it becomes drier and more fragile, the production of sebum (sebum), a natural anti-aging component, decreases. Even those who suffered from oily skin in their youth often begin to experience tightness and dryness (according to the WHO, after 35 years, only 7% of women have oily skin, compared with 32% at the age of 20-25).

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